The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

2 Jahre leiwand! Habibi & Hawaras Birthday & Friends Sause

The restaurant and social project, Habibi & Hawara turns 2

2 Jahre leiwand! Habibi & Hawaras Birthday & Friends Sause

When: THU, June 28, 6pm–1am
Where: Habibi & Hawara
Entry: free!

Habibi & Hawara, the restaurant that combines Austrian Schmäh and Arabic hospitality, will be celebrating its two-year-anniversary. They’ll be serving up a delicious Best-Of from their menu in combination with some Schmäh and a drink or two. Apparently, there’ll also be some party surprises. See for yourself if you’re curious. We, for sure, are!

Good to know… Habibi & Hawara is also a social project which employs people seeking asylum in Austria

Recommended if you like: pants with flexible waistbands, putting on your dancing shoes for a fun night out, birthday bashes, stuffing your belly with delicious food, celebrating someone else’s birthday more than your own

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