Well-known pop & rock songs on the cello
2Cellos | Wien
When: TUE, November 22, 8pm–11pm
Where: Wiener Stadthalle
Entry: 53.50€–70.90€, buy your ticket here
Two cellists from Croatia are enchanting the world with their impressing symbiosis of classical music and modern rock. The duo is currently on tour with their new album, The Score, and will make a stop at the Stadthalle this Tuesday. Get your ticket here and see them perform and interpret some of the greatest rock songs in a new way. Here’s a preview of what will await you on Tuesday:
[fve] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx0xCI1jaUM[/fve]
Recommended if you like: new interpretations, listening to classical instruments playing modern music, seriously talented musicians performing live, David Geutta or whatever his name is
Tue. 21st Nov