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Alien & Aliens Double Feature am 18.u 26. April im Gartenbaukino

Get an Alien double feature at Gartenbaukino

Alien & Aliens Double Feature am 18.u 26. April im Gartenbaukino

When: THU, April 18, 8pm–11pm Where: Gartenbaukino Entry: 9€, get your tickets, here If you’re a fan of the movie, Alien, and its remake then you’re probably getting very excited right about now because both films will be shown as a double feature at Gartenbaukino this week. If you’re not a fan of the movie, well, then you’ve probably stopped reading already. It’s just us nerds left all alone with the aliens now. Recommended if you like: Aliens – both the movies and the real thing, Ridley Scott, James Cameron, seeing both movies back to back, being a little jumpy for a day or two after watching the movies, Gartenbaukino [totop] [tocat]]]>

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