The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Architektur Film Sommer 2020: Counter-Geografien

Catch a film about buildings while sitting in one

Architektur Film Sommer 2020: Counter-Geografien

When: WED, August 12, 8:30pm–11:30pm 
Where: Az W Architekturzentrum Wien
Entry: Free!

At the MuseumsQuarter, you will not only be surrounded by artsy buildings this summer, but you can also check out the ninth edition of the open air cinema event dedicated to architecture, Architektur Film Sommer!

At this open air film festival, three movie screenings will be dedicated to counter geographies – A super fancy word befitting for super fancy architecture students (or just regular people that like cool buildings). To find out which movies will be screened, visit the event’s website and check out their program for the exact showtimes!

Recommended if you like: museum tours, eating up different cultures everywhere you go, couch surfing, open-air cinema, reading lifestyle magazines while waiting at the dentist’s

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