The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Architektur Film Sommer 2020: Eingesperrt – Ausgesperrt

Shake up your cinema routine and catch films in an architecture museum instead

Architektur Film Sommer 2020: Eingesperrt – Ausgesperrt

When: WED, August 19, 8:30pm–11:30pm
Where: AzW – Architekturzentrum Wien
Entry: free! Sign up via mail

The Architektur Film Sommer 2020 has yet another evening full of films about architecture happening for you at the Architekturzentrum Wien. This evening is perfect for those of you who think architecture is more than just pretty buildings. Check out the trailer of the main film of the evening:


Recommended if you like: films that aren’t screened in cinemas, dragging your friends to events they don’t care about, architecture, people who understand that architecture is more than just pretty buildings, critical thinking, eating popcorn for dinner

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