Start purring at this film festival dedicated to cat videos!
CatVideoFest2019 | Wien (AUT)
When: WED, October 30, 6:30pm–7:45pm Where: Filmhaus am Spittelberg Entry: 9€; get your tickets! Did you ever sit at home, watching some funny cat video compilations on Youtube, and think: ‘Wow, I could do this for hours.’ Well, then this is event is the one for you! The Filmhaus is hosting the CatVideoFest2019 this Wednesday, where you will be able to watch cat video, after cat video. Take a break mid-week and enjoy some cat-tastic videos that will certainly make you giggle. Recommended if you like: cat videos, cat memes, buying your cat hats, meeting other cat lovers, mimicking cats during intercourse, being a cat, laughing your tails off [totop] [tocat]]]>Wed. 30th Oct