This is the perfect opportunity for your disco yoga pants to make an appearance
DISCO YOGA! fancypantsyoga meets Behave! @U4
When: SAT, October 19, 7pm–10pm
Where: U4
Entry: 40€
On Saturday, at one of Vienna’s oldest clubs (the U4), the dance floor will transform into your ultimate holy Shavasana and sun greetings exercise. Bring your yoga mat, get your most outstanding disco yoga pants popping and let’s get down for the downward dog.
For 40€ you can find your zen in some yoga, booze yourself up (before and, during, or after the session) and get two drinks on top of that if you stay the 80s and 90s party.
Recommended if you like: yoga, the U4, something different, trying new things, dancing, drinking and doing yoga (or something very similar to that), boozing up at your (next) yoga sesh
Sat. 19th Oct