Watch art come to life while still wearing your pyjamas
Do an augmented reality art tour of Vienna’s popular museums
When: ongoing Where: your apartment! Entry: free! The innovative people at the Vienna startup, Artivive, have managed to get creative during these times of the shutdown. They’ve set things up with the Belvedere and Albertina museums so that you can do an online augmented reality (AR) tour of the museum’s masterpieces. So there’s a lot of fancy tech-y words in there, so let us break it down for you – download the Artivive app to your phone, go to the Artivive website and hold your phone up to the paintings displayed on the screen, then watch what happens. Check out the Belvedere AR tour. Check out the Albertina AR tour. Smoking weed before doing this is, isn’t, is, isn’t (ok, we can’t decide) recommended. Recommended if you like: getting your culture on, seeing some of the most renowned art pieces in a way you’ve never seen them before, being an early adopter, letting your tech or art geek flag fly [totop] [tocat]]]>Wed. 01st Apr — Mon. 13th Apr