The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

dotdotdot short film festival

Catch a few snack-sized films

dotdotdot short film festival

When: July 4 – September 1 (every THU & FRI, even if the weather turns bad, check out the program, here.)
Where: Volkskundemuseum
Entry: pay as much as you can

This is the one and only short film festival happening under the starry sky in Vienna, and boy is it a good one. There’s not only around 200 short films on their program, but they certainly live up to their name as a festival. Meaning, there are also lots of side events happening through the festival, including workshops and talks on the short form of cinema. This year’s focus is all about breaking down barriers and inclusiveness. This is the open air cinema you should be attending if you’re looking to broaden your experiences when it comes to film. And trust us, many of the films on the program will leave you thinking ‘…’

To make things short, check out what’s happening this week in the program, here

Recommended if you like: short films, workshops on cinema, obtaining new perspectives, getting out of the box

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