The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Ein Abend mit Wienerin-Chefredakteurin Barbara Haas

Come to this empowering panel hosted by Wienerin

Ein Abend mit Wienerin-Chefredakteurin Barbara Haas

When: MON, February 25, 7pm–10pm
Where: Republikanischer Club
Entry: free!

The long-standing female magazine Wienerin is hosting a talk and panel discussion this Monday evening! They invite you to come tackle topics such as body image and the representation of women in the media. Leading the discussion will be Barbara Haas, the magazine’s editor-in-chief, and there’ll be refreshments afterwards!

Recommended if you like: feminism, empowering yourself and others, social change, opening your mind, meeting new people, reflecting on social issues, meeting kick*** women, being critical of the world around you

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