The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Erwin & Edwin / Wien / WUK / Power Tour / Support: Schmafu

Get your energy up with this German Rap band

Erwin & Edwin / Wien / WUK / Power Tour / Support: Schmafu

When: TUE, April 2, 8pm–11pm
Where: WUK
Entry: 20€, get your tickets, here

This week is no week to take it slow. Get out to WUK and pump some energy into your week with this German Rap band. Party so hard your head spins worse than if you’d ridden one too many rides at Prater. Check out the music, here:

Recommended if you like: Erwin & Edwin, German Rap music, people who naturally have a lot of energy and pump it into their songs, music that requires fast, stylised talking (a.k.a. Rap), wearing your shoes on the opposite foot

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