Celebrating some musical front ladies
FemFriday #6 Sa-Roc / Dynasty
When: FRI, November 9, 7pm–9pm
Where: Weltmuseum
Entry: 19€ available here, 24€ on the door
The second Friday of every month in Weltmuseum, it’s all about the ladies. The event series, FemFriday, is about celebrating and putting a spotlight on the leading ladies in the music scene of Vienna, with this week’s spotlight being directed at the Hip Hop artists, Sa-Roc and Dynasty – Ya Girl DY. After the performance, there will be a talk with the artists. Here’s a taste of their tunes:
Recommended if you like: the leading ladies of this world, celebrating all things feminine, intimate gigs, gigs in odd locations, Hip Hop, female empowerment, licking your finger and putting it in random people’s ears
Fri. 09th Nov