The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Flamme. Open Air. Heißes Opening

A big, fat summer party!

Flamme. Open Air. Heißes Opening

When: THU, June 14, 5p–6am
Where: Pratersauna
Entry: 5€/7€/10€, buy your ticket here

This party at Pratersauna will be the official after show party of the WU Sommerfest this Thursday. On three floors at Pratersauna, there will be Techno, Hip Hop and 90s music blasting out of rather large speakers. And they’ll also be live streaming the FIFA World Cup there – it’s going to be quite the summer affair!

Recommended if you like: when dirty club-like love is in the air, gin and tonic, kissing random people in public toilets, the feeling of sweat dripping down your spine, dancing until the sun comes up, sweating on the dancefloor, parties that screen the World Cup

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