Listen to stories from the past through music
G’schichtn aus’m Wiener
When: TUE, September 8, 6pm–10pm
Where: Vollpension
Entry: free!
The cafe, Vollpension, has a very special treat for all of you who love when the combination of personal history and music coming together! A couple of musicians and artists have come together and created an album full of true Viennese stories in song!
They stopped by a bunch of retirement homes and asked about stories from the past before composing their tunes! If you want to know what life was like for people from the older generation, make sure to check out this album release party on Tuesday!
Recommended if you like: listening to your grandparents telling stories, finding out more about the past, people and their stories, music with topics besides heartbreak, new ideas, the Viennese way of life
Tue. 08th Sep
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