The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Heinz aus Wien I Flex

Your next-door-neighbour band is back at the Flex

Heinz aus Wien I Flex

When: THU, November 30, 7pm–11pm
Where: Flex
Entry: 17€, buy your ticket here

With the release of the album GRAU IN GRAU IN STADT, the Viennese band Heinz aus Wien are taking a new line. The band released an album that is so different to what they’ve been putting out in the past 20 years of their band’s history. Come see for yourself at the Flex this Thursday (but they’ll be playing old stuff as well, in case you’re worried). Check out one of their new songs:


Recommended if you like: checking out local bands, indie pop bands, closing your eyes while dancing like a drugged up hippy

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