The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

i²c Networking Friday – TUW Innovation Summit

Get your entrepreneurial juices flowing at this networking event

i²c Networking Friday – TUW Innovation Summit

When: FRI, February 22, 10am–5pm
Where: Innovation Incubation Center – TUW

If you’re the entrepreneurial type, this event is the place for you! You will be able to meet other entrepreneurs, attend a panel discussion, and see scientists and students show their patents, research, and start-ups. If that isn’t enough, you can also watch a pitch challenge with prize money of up to 30,000€. This networking event is a must for anyone trying to get seen and expand their range of opportunity. START UP your engines! (See what we did there?)

Recommended if you like: networking, sharing your research results, sharing your start-up ideas, hearing ideas from other scientists and students, winning money to fund your company, geeking out over panel discussions

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