The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

JazzWerkstatt Wien Festival 2018 "before we die" – David Gratzer's Teheran

A festival to admire the veteran and up-a-coming Jazz talents

JazzWerkstatt Wien Festival 2018 “before we die” – David Gratzer’s Teheran

When: SAT, September 22, 8:30pm–11pm Where: WUK Entry: 15€ The JazzWerkstatt festival is back, with the mission to spread all the new improv Jazz music that’s been cooking in our beloved Vienna. Artists from different generations will be performing in a mix of classical & improvised jazz concerts, and you can expect a whole lot of stylistic diversity. As highlights, this Saturday, you’ll be able to enjoy David Gratzer’s Teheran trifft Wien and PAENDA at WUK. Recommended if you like: Jazz, getting value for your hard-earned cash, city-wide festivals, wearing a smoking jacket and a cravat, smoking a pipe or generally just carrying one around to look sophisticated without actually smoking one, stroking your moustache or someone elses, whispering into people’s ears in quiet crowds, ‘I’m Batman’ [totop] [tocat]]]>

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