The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Kreisky im Chelsea (+Walter)

Rock out with this Viennese Post–Punk/Indie–Rock

Kreisky im Chelsea (+Walter)

When: THU, December 20, 8pm–11pm
Where: Chelsea
Entry: 25€ available here, or WienXtra

Don’t miss this Viennese Punk Rock band, Kreisky, on Thursday as they roll out the classics as well as a few sneak previews of their next album at Chelsea. The quartet may well be a little too big for a venue of Chelsea’s size but that just makes this gig all the more special. Like a very loud Christmas present for a select few, if you will. Have a listen:


Recommended if you like:  Viennese bands, Post Punk, Indie Rock, weird music videos, intimate gigs with lively crowds, a casual little mosh pit, rocking, mild head banging, messing about on the gurtel, horses, show jumping

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