The all-are-welcome hotel welcomes all to celebrate their birthday with them
Magdas 3rd Birthdayparty
When: FRI, February 16, 7pm–12am
Where: Magdas Hotel
Entry: Free
This Friday, they’ll be a party going on down at the hotel/ awesome social project, Magdas Hotel. The Refugee-run hotel prides itself on being inclusive and their birthday party is all about the same idea. There will be a band, a DJ and plenty of balloons! There’s is plenty to celebrate in terms of achievments at this incredible social project.
Recommended if you like: multiculti parties, international events, welcoming everybody, refugees, life without borders, birthday cakes, helping young ones blowing out their candles, Magda and her hotel
Fri. 16th Feb — Sat. 17th Feb
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