Get on your Lederhosen and Dirndl – this annual crazy Austrian party is back
Neustifter Kirtag | Official Pre- Party
When: SAT, July 22, 7pm–4am
Where: Eischer’s Kronenstüberl
Entry: 10€
Vivivienne Westwood once said ‘if everyone wore dirndls, it would end ugliness’. She may be right (but she probably never saw our editor Jake in one). Anyway, this Saturday, a whole bunch of lovely ladies will be wearing them at this pre-party to one of the most beloved and crazy Austrian parties on the edge of town, the Nestifter Kirtag. There’s going to be good food, tom foolery, thirsts being quenched by Spritzers and banging tunes…and ‘hut music…’
Recommended if you like: Austro–pop, the parties after a day of skiing in the Austrian Alps, how boobs look in dirndls and men’s bums look in short leather shorts, if its tight its right, hüttengaudi, house, spritzers, fairs, lederhosen,
Sat. 22nd Jul — Sun. 23rd Jul