The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Queer Funky Vintage Popup Store

Come visit this really funky Popup Store!

Queer Funky Vintage Popup Store

When: SAT–SUN, December 28, 4pm – December 29, 7pm
Where: Kaffeebar Quentin
Entry: free!

This weekend only, take the chance and visit a really special Popup Store at Kaffeebar Quentin. There’ll be drinks, music and, of course, loads of colourful fabrics and clothes. More than anything else we can say, it’s a really good way to splash some colour into your wardrobe.

Recommended if you like: popping up at popup events, grooming your beard, t-shirts with witty or thought-provoking prints on them, wearing toe rings as nose rings, Kafeebar Quentin, all kinds of colorful items

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