American Blues guitarist visits Vienna
Ryan Mc Garvey Band Ab 00:00 Young Blues Session dir. by Stephan Kutscher
When: MON, April 30, 8:30pm–11:30pm
Where: Reigen Live
Entry: 25€/30€, reserve your ticket here
US-based Blues Rock guitarist, singer and composer, Ryan McGarvey, will be in town this week. Apparently, he’s the next big thing in the Blues Rock scene, so we’re assuming that he’ll be pretty good on stage. For 25€, you can see him live. Get a ticket here and be at Reigen Live this Monday. Here’s one of his songs, Memphis:
[fve] [/fve]
Recommended if you like: steel string guitars, balancing things on your nose, gravely voices, music to muse to, Blues and Rock
Mon. 30th Apr