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Swinging sixties and Rock’n’Roll at the Chelsea

Surf and soul

When: THU, October 19, 8pm–11pm­
Where: Chelsea
Entry: 8/10€ buy your tickets here

The Swinging Sixties meet Rock’n’Roll this Thursday night at the grungy Chelsea. Soul, Beat, and classics from the swinging sixties on the one side (Portobello Express), and Rock’n’ Roll with reverb-drenched guitars, swirling melodies, and pounding drums on the other side (Balu & die Surfgrammeln). This will await you at the Chelsea on Thursday. Listen to Balu & the Surfgrammeln, here:

Recommended if you like: Rock’n’Roll, dancing, a chilled evening at a chilled place, locations under the U6, the dirty Gürtel, nostalgia for a time you never lived

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