The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

The Good, The Bad & The Irish (English Stand-up Comedy)

An evening full of laughter

The Good, The Bad & The Irish (English Stand-up Comedy)

When: THU, May 17, 8pm–11pm Where: 1019 Jazzclub Entry: 12.91€, buy your ticket here Two Irish men and a Scot’ started their comedy show, The Good, The Bad & The Irish, seven years ago, which has since then turned into a huge success. In their show, you’ll catch different styles of comedy which has the ability of tickling everybody’s funny bone. This is their third tour through Europe, and on Thursday you’ll be able to catch the 5-star awarded comedy show at the 1019 Jazzclub. Recommended if you like: English-language comedy, Edinburgh Fringe Stars, self deprecicating comedy, laughing as a medicine, laughing until your belly hurts, an evening full of laughter, listening to other people’s funny stories, beer and cigarettes, climbing trees for a nap in the middle of the day [totop] [tocat]]]>

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