The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Tingel Tangel Flohmarkt weekender

Open air fleamarket in horse stables turned event venue

Tingel Tangel Flohmarkt weekender

When: SAT (4pm-10pm)-SUN (12pm-4pm), August19-20
Where: Creau

A funky little vintage and design flea market will be happening at the cool open air location of Creau this Saturday and Sunday. The market will be happening on Saturday evening and will pop up again on Sunday afternoon this weekend. The crowd from Tingel Tangel are behind it, so it’s sure to be a worthwhile market to visit. Expect DJs and some kind of food will be there as well. Oh, and the CREAU bar will be open to get you in the mood for some lazy hanging around after you’re done with the market.

Recommended if you like: the thrill of the flea market hunt, drinking your coffee out of a floral vintage cup, kissing on the first date, wearing sex during sex, bold-rimmed spectacles, sustainable living, vintage stuff

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