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Triology «True Stories» Jazz Bigband Graz & Special Guests

The Jazz Bigband Graz is performing True Stories

Triology «True Stories» Jazz Bigband Graz & Special Guests

When: MON, December 11, 8:30pm–11pm
Where: Porgy & Bess
Entry: 25€, buy your ticket here

At the Jazz club, Progy & Bess, you’ll get to listen to the current production True Stories from the Jazz Bigband Graz this Monday night if you pay your way in at the door. They (plus a special guest) will be performing big band swing tunes from their repertoire. Buy yourself a ticket here and get your ears blown away by these talented musicians.

Recommended if you like: Jazz music, seriously talented musicians performing live, dedicating your life to music, when different music genres clash in one organised, beautiful mess

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