The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

[UN]BLOCKED Conference Vienna

Go to a conference on sustainable development goals

[UN]BLOCKED Conference Vienna

When: MON, April 1, 9am
Where: WU – Wirtschaftuniversität
Entry: free! Register, here

Everyone is welcome to come to this conference and it’s completely free! The topics will range from sustainable development goals in regards to economy, governance, and supply chain transparency. We thought we were being sustainable by starting a compost pile in our roommate’s room while they were visiting their grandma for a month but we’re going to head to this conference to learn more about all these topics anyway.

Recommended if you like: sustainable societies, learning more about big words like “transparency”, networking opportunities for people who do research or run NGOs, pretending you’re a scientist at a fancy conference at the WU

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