So, at the time of publishing, nobody has a God damn clue what the hell is going on and how this pandemic lockdown is going to play out in December, HOWEVER, we are going to recommend, if there is a chance, to visit one of the Christmas markets that do open up this year. Yes, we know that you’re thinking and we’re thinking the same thing – is it good to go to a market crowded with people while a pandemic is cruising its way through the population? What the hell do we know?! All we’re going to say is – check out the situation and how the safety measures look at the markets, and make the decision for yourself. Either way, we’ll keep you up-to-date with what’s happening with the markets.
Here are a few of the markets that are still meant to open in 2020:
Weihnachtsmarkt Schloss Schönbrunn
Weihnachtsmarkt am Spittelberg
Tue. 01st Dec — Thu. 31st Dec
Recommended if you like:
Glühwein and Punsch, buying kitschy gifts for your loved ones, the warm and fuzzy feeling going to a Christmas market gives you