The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Volksgarten Maskenball

Get dressed up for the Maskenball!

Volksgarten Maskenball

When: THU, Jan 30, 11pm–8am
Where: Volksgarten
Entry: 10€, get your tickets!

We all love getting dressed up for fancy events. This Thursday there’s another good reason to grab your nicest pair of neon knickers and don your favorite mask. Yes, you actually do need a mask, because we are talking about the Maskenball at Volksgarten that’s happening this week. There’s a midnight show, a Würstel Bar, even a roulette table! All the ingredients for a mad story fuelled on carbs and gambling.

Recommended if you like: turning up to a party in a really fancy dress, masked balls, the Volksgarten, parties that end at 8am, having a good night out with your friends, having one drink too many

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