The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Weihnachten im Stadtkino: Charlie Chaplin & Buster Keaton

Go catch a cult classic on the first day of the year

Weihnachten im Stadtkino: Charlie Chaplin & Buster Keaton

When: TUE, January 1, 4pm–5:30pm Where: Stadtkino Entry: 9€, get tickets here On the very first day of the year, Stadtkino is screening one of Chaplin’s all-time classic 1940’s satires, “The Dictator.” We know you’re probably gonna be hungover (we know we will be), but if you feel like walking it off and kicking off the new year with a cult start, this is the movie for you. Fun fact: it was Chaplin’s first movie with dialogues! Recommended if you like: being a film fanatic, cult classics, social satires, films that’s make you smirk from beginning until end, laughing it off, airing out your hangover, getting more exercise than just laying on the couch all day, Charlie Chaplin [totop] [tocat]]]>

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