The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

WEIT. – Kinostart-Premiere

A movie premiere: a journey on foot around the globe 

WEIT. – Kinostart-Premiere

When: MON, October 9, 8.30pm–11pm­
Where: Gartenbaukino
Entry: 9€, get your tickets here!

96,707 kilometres. 3 years and 110 days. What a journey around the globe that must have been! A German couple started their walk in spring 2013, came back in 2016, and made a movie about it. “Weit” will premiere on Monday at the Gartenbaukino, and the protagonists will be there to have a talk with the audience afterwards.

Recommended if you like: travelling without travelling, Germans, stories from afar, your beloved rucksack, having fernweh, telling the movie-makers your honest opinion about the movie

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