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Weltfrauentag – Fotoausstellung Women's Voice / Mahila Avaz

A powerful photo exhibition of women from faraway, remote places

Weltfrauentag – Fotoausstellung Women’s Voice / Mahila Avaz

When: THU, March 8, 6pm-12am Where: Salmgasse Entry: free! Visiting this photography exhibition is a brilliant way to cewlebrate International Women’s Day. You’ll actually be learning the ways of life of some women who are living in the remote parts of Nepal. We’ll let the event organiser’s explain the rest: ‘Photographer Josip Jukic-Sunaric is documenting the living environment of women and girls in Simikot, one of the most remote rural areas in Nepal. That’s where, after an intensive participative study of Helena Hinterecker, the project “Mahila Avaz – women`s voice” was founded. The goal of the project is to end gender-based violence using a holistic approach of empowerment of local women, girls and the community. All revenues of the event will be used for the project. ‘ Recommended if you like: the power of photogoraphy in telling stories, traveling with a rucksack, being a student for life, wandering around a gallery getting inspired [totop] [tocat]]]>

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