The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Wohnzimmerkonzert #1 w/ AMSEL

Live music with a living room atmosphere

Wohnzimmerkonzert #1 w/ AMSEL

When: THU, June 7, 7pm–10pm
Where: 12 Karma Food 1020
Entry: free!

12 Karma Food will be hosting their first Wohnzimmerkonzert, aka. living room concert, at their restaurant/cafe in the second district this Thursday. Their main guest will be Amsel, a Singer-Songwriter of the Jazz Alternative Indie Pop variety from Vienna. A unique voice, double bass and a guitar make up their sound, and they make music that moves you. After the concert, you can go on stage yourself, as there’ll be a one-hour ‘bring your own instrument’ session. Besides live music in a relaxed atmosphere, there will also be Indian tapas and fancy drinks. And it won’t cost you a thing to be there! Hooray.

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Recommended if you like: supporting local talents, the sound of birds chirping, lying on your back watching the clouds, singer/songwriter music, relaxed, chilled afternoons, making out on a couch in public, reading the romantics, showing others what you got, ever so cooly closing your eyes and listening to the music

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