The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Workshop: Die ersten Frühlingsboten

A workshop: all about wild herbs

Workshop: Die ersten Frühlingsboten

When: THU, March 29, 6:30pm–8pm
Where: Sonnentor Wollzeile
Entry: 25€, register here until March 27

Join in on a  workshop filled with spring vibes at the Sonnentor teahouse this Thursday evening to and find out about all there is to know about the herbs that are already starting to grow all over the place as spring blooms. They’ll be teaching you about how to identify them, and how to use them in the kitchen and for your health. 

Recommended if you like: workshops and lectures, learning something new, alternative life hacks, herbs and flowers, feeling very springish, after work workshops, sustainable living, learning how to live in the wild

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