The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Zauberhafte Innenhöfe mit Gerti Schmidt

See some beautiful hidden courtyards and passage-ways on this tour

Zauberhafte Innenhöfe mit Gerti Schmidt

When: SAT, July 11, 10:10am–12:45pm
Where: Schwedenplatz, check event for details
Entry: 39€, buy a ticket

On this tour through Vienna’s beautiful courtyards and passages, the tour guide Gerti will tell you all sorts of stories and historical anecdotes about your favourite city. Also, she will surely lead you to some magical hidden places you would never stumble upon randomly on your Sunday walks.

Recommended if you like: long walks in the city, looking up from your phone for once, admiring architecture, being in on a secret, listening to someone’s anecdotes and stories, knowing stuff nobody else does, exploring new places in your hometown

Image: © Artissimi

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