The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

VIDEO: Why you need to learn Viennese-German, not German-German when living in Vienna

You can be forgiven when moving to Vienna for making the mistake of learning Hochdeutsch (standard German) in some intensive German course from those text books that still teach you how to ask somebody for their fax number because the books were produced in the 1950s and nobody’s bothered to update them since.

However, one thing you’ll learn mighty quick is that you’ve learnt the wrong language. We’ve all had that moment when we’re fresh out of our Deutsch course and we go to the bakery all confident and stuff and then the person at the bakery is like, ‘knfonaenfioneuesoiaöionvöoineiovn,’ and you’re standing there like, ‘Ummmm, bitte?’ 

So the best piece of advice we can give you: you’ve got to learn Viennese-German not German-German when living in Vienna. There are soooo many differences between these two dialects. This video is a lesson 101 in those differences. 


This video is a vienna senf production. vienna senf is our video channel where we put videos out into the world that hopefully make you smile, and help you make the most out of Vienna…and life. Subscribe if you like what you’re seeing above 😉

A big thank you to our very talented actresses Lorraine Wenzel and Isabelle Carhoun.


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