The location of the Schauspielhaus has its own long history. It started out as a theater hosting Vaudeville performances, before it was transformed into one of the first movie theatres of Vienna, which became known as the ‘Heimat-Kino’. Only in 1978, a theatre took roots here. Over the years, it became what it is today: a place for contemporary theatre performances. With a very progressive mindset, the young crew at Schauspielhaus is constantly trying out and developing new things for the stage. A total of 200 people can fit into the Schauspielhaus, while they also have a small stage. They also have a bar in the “Nachbarhaus,” which is annexed to the theatre.
‘The English Monday’ event series –happening on a bi-monthly basis – is a show initiated by one of the members of the very young theatre crew. On a somewhat regular basis, Jesse invites either comedians, actors, authors, performers, or musicians to take to the stage. So it’s different every time, and only the host stays the same.
English-speaking productions are also not uncommon at Schauspielhaus, while many of the performances in German include English subtitles. Bright yellow walls and unique artwork lead the way to the theatre’s downstairs space where the magic happens.
Check out the programme, here.