Damak is located in the 10th District and has been the go-to breakfast spot for Vienna-based Turks for quite some time now. Even though we do agree that their breakfast menu is phenomenal, that’s not the only reason why it made it into this list.
There is also their famous Etli Ekmek ( minced meat on a very thin crispy bread ) and their various Pide variations (Pide is the Turkish take on pizza). It’s topped with various toppings like minced meat, cheese, eggs, spinach. What makes a Pide good is that the bottom is crispy and the toppings plentiful. Nobody likes a – auf guad Wienerisch – “letschad” Pide.
Accompanied with the salty yoghurt drink, Ayran or a Çay, whatever you opt for in the menu here, it will go down a treat.
They also have THE perfect dessert to finish off the meal – Sütlaç. It’s the Turkish equivalent to Milchreis, and while most milk rice is nothing special, this milk rice is some top-tier milk rice.
Their ambience here is uncomplicated. They have the sink-in-and-relax seats perfect for after-meal food comas’. We almost took a nap after finishing off our meal, but the waiter brought us back to life with some freshly brewed Turkish coffee.