Open air cinema: Films from the past that predict the future!
Architektur.Film.Sommer: Rest-less
When: WED, August 23, 8:30pm–11:30pm
Where: AzW – Architekturzentrum Wien
Entry: free!
The architecture museum, Architekturzentrum Wienm, in the Museums Quartier is inviting all to a free open air movie night entitled with the theme, Rest-less. They’ll be showing a couple of films, one being Rast, a film that depicts a utopian vision seen from the 60s of how people would be living in the future – a life with permanent motion and in a minimal amount of private living space. They may have been onto something. These films that the museum are screening really are mind openers so it’s worth coming along even if the description above sounds like a load of sh**
Recommended if you like: free open air cinemas, pretending to watch the film while making out with your partner, warm summer nights at the MQ, watching old movies which predict the future….as in our now, having your mind prayed open by far-out films
Wed. 23rd Aug
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