The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

English Stand Up Comedy – Okello Dunkley – Almost Austrian

Funny man up on stage at this comedy night

English Stand Up Comedy – Okello Dunkley – Almost Austrian

When: FRI, May 11, 7:30pm–10pm
Where: Tunnel Vienna Live
Entry: 10€

Funny man, who hails from the US, but is based in Vienna, Okello Dunkley, will be headlining a comedy night this Friday night. New material his promised, and the topic running through the show will be why the hell he ended up in little old Vienna. This comedy night will be happening in English with some badly pronounced German words thrown in.

Recommended if you like: -have been to the MA-35, wish you could shop on a Sunday, wonders why Americans love guns, onders why I don’t let people scroll through pictures on my phone, wonders why this city is so beautiful, but the people are so Viennese, giggling until you pee a little and have to cover it up with a napkin (yes, we speak from experience)

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