Art & Antique Hofburg is back, and that means you’ll find treasures from 50 art galleries and art and antique dealers in the grand rooms of Vienna’s palaces. Who doesn’t want to wear their corset and white wig out for a little treasure hunting IN A PALACE!? (Corsets and wigs: not required.)
Thu. 04th Nov — Mon. 08th Nov
Thu-Mon 10am — Thu-Sun 7pm, Mon 6pm
13€ (free for students)
Recommended if you like:
Art & Antique Hofburg, feeling bougie as fuck, saying “what a fine piece” and “splendid!” and “Hans, ready the carriage”, walking on cobblestones, reading by candlelight, art, antiques, palaces, a chance to see impressive pieces of art and antiques from 50 different galleries