The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Kinderkram Flohmarkt

Find cheap deals on used stuff for the kids

Kinderkram Flohmarkt

When: March 31, 1pm–April 1, 5pm
Where: Biolino
Entry: free!

This flea market will be the perfect place to find used (or sometimes bought but never used) clothes, toys, etc. for the kids. Get cheap prices on those onesies they’ll only wear a few times, or puzzles which will definitely end up with pieces missing (ours always end up in the dishwasher). Get there early for the best stuff, and late for the best bargains!

Recommended if you like: flea markets, new-to-you stuff for the kids, bargains, a little wallet relief, kids, having kids, meeting other people who also have kids, negotiating, seeing what clothes and toys are out there that you may not have known about

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