The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Breakfast with the BUNNY

Have breakfast with the Easter bunny!

Breakfast with the BUNNY

When: SUN, April 7, 9am
Where: Hard Rock Cafe
Entry: 12.96€–kids 4-12, 19.95€–adults, get your tickets, here

It’s time for breakfast…with the Easter bunny!!!! Please, try and contain your excitement. This event is meant to be special for the kids. But, we know you adults are super pumped too. Who DOESN’T want to have breakfast with the Easter bunny? We hope he brings those little chocolate eggs with the caramel inside. Those are our faaaavorites. Ehem, back to the kids. Starting at age 4, kids are invited to dine with the bunny and their parents for a very special Easter breakfast. Hoppy Easter!

Recommended if you like: Easter, the Easter bunny, breakfast, having breakfast with the Easter bunny, chocolate, chocolate with caramel, feeling like a kid again for a few hours, seeing the look on your kids’ faces when they see the Easter bunny show up to breakfast

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