The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Uni-Verse Poetry Slam @Polkadot

Use your words at this poetry slam

Uni-Verse Poetry Slam @Polkadot

When: SAT, June 22, 8pm–11pm
Where: Polkadot
Entry: free!

Have you always considered yourself an underground poet? Well, it’s time to step into the spotlight, friend! Get on the stage this Saturday and perform your poetry live. Orrrr, just sit in the shadows and watch other people do it. That’s also fun. Either way, don’t miss this poetry slam at Polkadot Vienna!

Recommended if you like: writing poetry, performing your poetry live, having people applaud your efforts, standing in the spotlight, rhyming, poetry that doesn’t rhyme, poetry slams, Polkadot Vienna