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TURBOBIER | Gasometer Wien (das fetteste Konzert åller Zeitn)

Pogo your heart out at this end-of-year concert from Simmering’s finest Punk band

TURBOBIER | Gasometer Wien (das fetteste Konzert åller Zeitn)

When: SAT, December 21, 8pm–12am
Where: Gasometer
Entry: From 19.80€, buy a ticket

This is gonna be the biggest and heaviest TURBOBIER concert of the year! The Punk/Rock band from Simmering invite “all who know only a few songs and all those who love to socialize with us” to catch the whole TurboBande performing this energetic gig that’s bound to be excellent fun. Support comes from special guest: Romano.

Recommended if you like: Punk bands, bands who have their own brand of beer, pogoing around a room like the floor is on fire, beer and cigarettes, sweaty sex in unusual places, supporting local musicians, diving straight into the moshpit

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