The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Filmvorführung “But Beautiful” & Gespräch mit Sabine Kriechbaum

A film about a life well lived

Filmvorführung “But Beautiful” & Gespräch mit Sabine Kriechbaum

When: TUE, Jan 14, 6pm–9pm
Where: Votivkino
Entry: 9,20€

The film ‘But Beautiful’ tries to answer one of humanity’s most burning questions; no, not who let the dogs out, but how to lead a fulfilling, successful life. It tells the stories of people who interpret this differently but nevertheless share the same goal – a world that’s fit for the future. The film’s producer will also be attending and after the screening you’ll have the opportunity to ask her questions and discuss the topics that have been addressed. Registrations can be made via email.

Recommended if you like: watching documentaries, answers to interesting questions, having a positive outlook on life, discussing films after watching them, educating yourself

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