The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Wiener Moderne und die Moral von der ‚Geschicht‘?

Listen to experts discuss beautiful art and fucked up artists/ architects

Wiener Moderne und die Moral von der ‚Geschicht‘?

When: WED, September 2, 7pm–9pm
Where: AzW Architekturzentrum / your apartment (attend via zoom)
Entry: free! Sign up via mail

This Wednesday, Matthias Dusini hosts a discussion dedicated to the moral aspect of art and its creators at the Architekturzentrum. Together, with a couple of experts, he will take a look at the architects Adolf Loos and Otto Wagner. Is it possible to separate art and artist? Is it morally okay to enjoy the creative work of a really fucked up dude who happened to make beautiful art? Maybe you’ll look at the beautiful architecture of Vienna in a different way after this discussion!

Recommended if you like: talking about architecture, pretty buildings, finding out more about the artists behind the art you like even if it means you kinda dislike the art afterwards, discussing moral dilemmas, having strong opinions, finding out if you can still enjoy looking at the pretty U–Bahn stations 

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