A musical journey through the many forms of Flamenco
Flamenco Jazz Duo (Nikola & El Flaco) / 7*SternWohnzimmerkonzert
When: SAT, January 20, 8pm–10pm Where: Cafe 7Stern Entry: TBA A musical journey is happening this Saturday when a guitarist and a pianist take you through all the different Palos (musical forms of Flamenco) associated with both modern and traditional Flamenco. There will be the favourite classics, and improvisation that may take it in a more Jazzy direction. Recommended if you like: improvised Jazz, when different music genres clash in one organised, beautiful mess, being a struggling dancer that lives for the movement, being attracted men/women with dark coloured eyes and dark hair, people who are good with their fingers [totop][tocat]
]]>Sat. 20th Jan