The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Fesch'markt Deli Edition #5

Get some local and artisanal delicacies at this little market

Fesch’markt Deli Edition #5

When: WED, June 24, 10am–5:30pm Where: in front of the Palais Liechtenstein Entry: Free! Even against the backdrop of the glorious Palais Liechtenstein, the beautiful flowers and artisanal delicacies from the vendors at this little Fesch’markt food market might just steal the show. You can get everything from rare pepper varieties, sustainable Austrian honey and even designer cookies, with various intricate designs (and yes, they could probably make one of your face). While you probably won’t see the big Feschmarkt happen this year, at least you can catch some good vibes at these small versions. Recommended if you like: using the word artisanal, eating local products, grassroot food production, handmade design, wanting to eat everything, supporting small businesses, finding out what’s new in the Austrian foodie-scene [totop] [tocat]]]>

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