After its successful run in September, Theater Franzjosefskai has decided to bring back Thomas Bernhard’s Wittgenstein’s Neffe to the stage. The autobiographical story will be told by Alexander Waechter whose own interpretation of the lead character doesn’t miss a beat on intonation or delivery. And if you make it an hour before play starts, you’ll have a chance to snack on tasty pre-show treats and refreshments. But do make sure to bring your mask – you’re better off safe than hungry!
Tue. 13th Oct — Wed. 21st Oct, every Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
8pm — 9:30pm
Recommended if you like:
intense theatre performances, laughing and applauding at the right moments, speaking the way Shakespeare wrote, Miller and Nestroy, reciting your favorite lines in front of the mirror, yelling ‘bravo’ and ‘brava’ once a play is over
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